赵紫旭,男,36岁,理论物理学博士。西安邮电大学理论物理学专业硕士生导师。主要的研究方向:相对论、量子场论、全息理论、黑洞热力学。近年来,论文主要发表在国际重要物理学期刊《Journal of High Energy Physics》、《Physics Letters B》、《Nuclear Physics B》,已发表的论文平均每篇被引用20余次。开设《大学物理》课程,主持国家自然科学基金一项,项目名称:全相空间的黑洞相变研究,项目编号:11705144。主要发表文章如下:1.Zixu Zhao and Jiliang jing, Ehrenfest scheme for complex thermodynamic systems in full phase space. JHEP11,037 (2014); 2. Zixu Zhao, Qiyuan Pan and Jiliang jing,Notes on analytical study of holographic superconductors with Lifshitz scaling in external magnetic field.Phys. Lett. B 735, 438 (2014); 3. Zixu Zhao, Qiyuan Pan and Jiliang jing, Holographic insulator/superconductor phase transition with Weyl corrections.Phys. Lett. B 719, 440 (2013);4. Zixu Zhao, Qiyuan Pan, Songbai Chen and Jiliang jing, Notes on holographic superconductor models with the nonlinear electrodynamics. Nucl. Phys. B 871, 98 (2013); 各期刊2013/2014影响因子分别为Journal of High Energy Physics 6.22/6.111, Physics Letters B 6.019/6.131, Nuclear Physics B 3.946/3.929.